svg element

HTML5 Logo Shaped like a shield with the text 'HTML' above and the numeral '5' prominent on the face of the shield.


<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
<title>HTML5 Logo</title>
<desc>Shaped like a shield with the text 'HTML' above and the numeral '5' prominent on the face of the shield.</desc>
<polygon fill="#e44d26" points="107.644,470.877 74.633,100.62 437.367,100.62 404.321,470.819 255.778,512" />
<polygon fill="#f16529" points="256,480.523 376.03,447.246 404.27,130.894 256,130.894" />
<polygon fill="#ebebeb" points="256,268.217 195.91,268.217 191.76,221.716 256,221.716 256,176.305
255.843,176.305 142.132,176.305 143.219,188.488 154.38,313.627 256,313.627" />
<polygon fill="#ebebeb" points="256,386.153 255.801,386.206 205.227,372.55 201.994,336.333
177.419,336.333 156.409,336.333 162.771,407.634 255.791,433.457 256,433.399" />
<path d="M 108.382 0 h 23.077 v 22.8 h 21.11 V 0 h 23.078 v 69.044 H 152.57 v -23.12 h -21.11 v 23.12 h -23.077 V 0 Z" />
<path d="M 205.994 22.896 h -20.316 V 0 h 63.72 v 22.896 h -20.325 v 46.148 h -23.078 V 22.896 Z" />
<path d="M 259.511 0 h 24.063 l 14.802 24.26 L 313.163 0 h 24.072 v 69.044 h -22.982 V 34.822 l -15.877 24.549
h -0.397 l -15.888 -24.549 v 34.222 h -22.58 V 0 Z" />
<path d="M 348.72 0 h 23.084 v 46.222 h 32.453 v 22.822 H 348.72 V 0 Z" />
<polygon fill="#ffffff" points="255.843,268.217 255.843,313.627 311.761,313.627 306.49,372.521
255.843,386.191 255.843,433.435 348.937,407.634 349.62,399.962 360.291,280.411 361.399,268.217 349.162,268.217" />
<polygon fill="#ffffff" points="255.843,176.305 255.843,204.509 255.843,221.605 255.843,221.716
365.385,221.716 365.385,221.716 365.531,221.716 366.442,211.509 368.511,188.488 369.597,176.305" />


HTML5 svg element