mark element

Pass Criteria


Test mk-001: mark element

This text is marked as highlighted.


	<mark id="mark1">This text</mark>
	is marked as highlighted.

Test mk-002: mark element with aria-label

This text is marked as highlighted.


	<mark aria-label="aria-label attribute">This text</mark>
	is marked as highlighted.

Test mk-003: mark element with aria-labelledby

This text is marked as highlighted.

Element referenced by aria-labelledby attribute.


	<mark aria-labelledby="mk-003-labelledby">This text</mark>
	is marked as highlighted.
<span id="mk-003-labelledby">
	Element referenced by <code>aria-labelledby</code> attribute.

Test mk-004: mark element with title attribute

This text is marked as highlighted


	<mark title="title attribute">This text</mark>
	is marked as highlighted

Test mk-005: mark element with aria-describedby

This text is marked as highlighted.

Element referenced by aria-describedby attribute.


	<mark aria-describedby="mk-005-describedby">This text</mark>
	is marked as highlighted.
<span id="mk-005-describedby">
	Element referenced by <code>aria-describedby</code> attribute.

Test mk-006: mark element with aria-label & title attributes

This text is marked as highlighted.


	<mark aria-label="aria-label attribute" title="title attribute">This text</mark> is marked as highlighted.