textarea element

Pass Criteria


Test ta-001: textarea element

Test ta-002: textarea element with placeholder attribute

Test ta-003: textarea element with implicit label

Test ta-004: textarea element with explicit label

Test ta-005: textarea element with label & placeholder attribute

Test ta-006: textarea element with label & disabled attribute

Test ta-007: textarea element with label & readonly attribute

Test ta-008: textarea element with label & required attribute

Test ta-009: textarea element with title attribute

Test ta-010: textarea element with aria-label attribute

Test ta-011: textarea element with aria-labelledby attribute

Your Comments

Test ta-012: textarea element with aria-describedby attribute

Please be as specific as possible with your comments.

Test ta-013: textarea element with aria-label & aria-describedby attributes

Please be as specific as possible with your comments.

Test ta-014: textarea element with label element, & aria-label, aria-labelledby, aria-describedby, placeholder, & title attributes

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Please be as specific as possible with your comments.

Test ta-015: textarea element with label element, & rows attribute

Test ta-016: textarea element with label element, with cols & wrap attributes

Test ta-017: textarea element with label element, with spellcheck="true" attribute

Test ta-018: textarea element with label element, with spellcheck="false" attribute